Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A New "Scary" Age

I turned 38 years old last week. I don’t feel 38. 38 was my scary age.  When I was younger I thought that when you hit 38 years of age, you were OLD. I don’t feel old. (Well, some days I feel older than others…)AND I don't think I'm scary.  Not yet. So, I've upgraded my scary age to 48. (MY scary age. Not saying that everyone is scary at 48. I know some pretty awesome 48 year olds.)
Anyway, where does that leave newly turned 38 year old me? I don’t know yet.
But I do know what I hope for?
1.       I hope to thank God for every gift he gives me every day of my life, especially in this 38th year of my life.
2.       I hope to remember to savor every moment-good and bad.
3.       I hope to do everything I can to let my kids know that I love them with all my heart.
4.       I hope that my husband will know how grateful I am that he’s my partner every moment we’re together.
5.       I hope to grow thicker skin.
6.       I hope to “let it go” more.
7.       I hope to lose the weight that I keep saying that I need to lose and don’t because I like good food too much.
8.       I hope to conquer the Bermuda grass we inherited when we bought our home.
9.       I hope to be able to say “no” without the usual guilt complex that comes after my answer.
10.   I hope to spend more time reading, sewing, baking, and creating.
I got to celebrate my birthday 3 times this week. How blessed am I that I’m surrounded by family and friends who want to share this occasion with me?! Happy 38th Birthday to me! I can’t wait to see what this year brings…


  1. I think those of us who maintain a happy, positive outlook on life will never feel our age.
