Wednesday, October 12, 2011

From Super Easy to SUPER DUPER EASY!!!

Ok, so I grabbed another ball of the new Sashay yarn (this time in orangey red) and decided to try it using my Knifty Knitter. Omigosh!! Why didn’t I think of this sooner?!! It only took me 2 hours (instead of 4)to make a new scarf! Check out this post for details on the scarf.
Anyway, I was dying to share this with you all so that you, too, can have something fun for your scarf wardrobe. 
Here‘s what you’ll need instead of knitting needles:

Pull out a length of the yarn and stretch it open. Place the edge with the metallic thread toward the inside of the ring.  Take the end of the yard and loop onto the peg on the outside of the ring.
Take the end and attach to the little peg and then “loop” the yarn to the left onto 4 or 6 or 10 (depending on your length and width of choice-remember 4 or 6 will get you a longer scarf. 10 will be shorter. )
Here's a view from the top of the weave so you can see which openings I used to loop onto pegs:
Here's a view from the top:
Before you start the next "layer," make sure to push down the loops that are currently on the pegs. Flip the yarn back over to the right and “loop” the weave on top of the other loops.

Here's a view from the inside:

On each peg, there are now 2 loops. Using the Knifty Knitter tool, loop the bottom loop up over the top loop.

Continue to loop all the bottom ones up and over the top from left to right until there is once again only one loop on each peg.
 Then, you will repeat the process again for each row. From right to left, you will add new loops to each peg until each peg has two loops on it. (Make sure that you are placing the same part of the weave onto the loops.)
You continue with this process until you have about 6-8 inches left of the yarn. Also,  make sure that the end of the yarn is to the right.
To complete the project or "bind off," you will need to start to the left or the peg furthest from the end of the yard. Using a crochet hook or the tool (Crochet hook is easier-I was lazy to search for one so I used the tool) slowly remove the loop on the left peg.
Hook the loop onto the next peg to the right above the loop already there.
There should be only 3 pegs with yarn on them now. You will continue to transfer the loops onto the next peg to the right in this same way until you get to the last one.
When you get to the last loop, remove the loop from peg. This is where it gets tricky with the tool and it make much more sense to use the crochet hook. But alas, my laziness won and I made do with the tool. I recommend you NOT be lazy. It will save you some heartache.

With the tool/hook, pull the end of the yarn through the last loop.

Pull end loop tight, trim, and then fluff the ends. And you are done!!

Isn't this way sooo much easier and quicker? When I decided to make another scarf using the Knifty Knitter, I felt like I was cheating. But knowing how much easier this is and how much less time it took, I kind of don't care. Because now I have 2 scarfs to enjoy!!

Good luck and happy Knifter Knitter-ing(?)!

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