Monday, August 22, 2011

My first post...eeeeeh!

Well, here goes. It's my FIRST blog EVER!! I'm giving this a try. First, a confession. My name is Marci and I am addicted to Blogs. ADDICTED. It started with an addiction to magazines. I subscribed to all kinds.They couldn't arrive in the mail fast enough. And then, I discovered the world of Blogs. "WHAT?! You mean, there's a way that I can read about new things EVERY DAY instead of just at the beginning of the month when they get delivered to me? Sign me up!!" And I did, I signed up for EVERY blog out there, practically.

See, here's the thing, I'm into everything. I have my degree in Interior Design.  A few years ago, the market wasn't doing so great in this field, and work wasn't available anymore, so I re-careered into something really  different-I became a Youth Minister at my church. I loved Interior Design and I thought I wouldn't want to do anything else. But here I am, working with teenagers on a daily basis and I love it.  I STILL love Interior Design. Don't get me wrong. I have lots and lots of blogs to support that love.

I'm also really into baking. I am probably baking something new once a week. I live for sweets! Besides baking, I love to sew, knit, crochet, scrapbook, card-making. And I love to party plan. Basically, I like to do a little of everything. I'm all over the place. I'm a Craft Schizophrenic? Can I say that? Is that PC? If it offends anyone, I'm sorry. But really, honestly, that's what I am. I am all over the place doing a little of everything. It's nuts. OH, and I'm totally ADD...

Back to my addiction to blogs, anyway, this morning, I was reading one of my favorites and thought, maybe I can blog. Would anyone be interested in my daily what-nots and info? Maybe? Maybe not? I thought I'd give it a try. What's the worst that can happen?

I call myself Semi-Modern because I am totally old-fashioned in a lot of ways. I'm still trying to get into this new modern technology of computers and the Smart Phone. My phone is smarter than me, sometimes. I can text, I can post on Facebook from my phone, all those things, but if there's an update on it, I'm in trouble.

Back to Semi-Modern...I love all things homemade from the heart. That's the old-fashioned NOT modern part of me. I'm the "grandma" friend who gives hand-knit or crocheted baby gifts? I'm the Mom who sews the Halloween costumes every year. I'm the one who brings homemade cupcakes or cakes to the party instead of the store bought ones?

I also, really love my God. I'm a devout Catholic-Christian who strives everyday to live my Faith. To some, that's so not Modern. Oh well...

So, let's see how this first ramble is done. Will you like me? The Modern in me would say "Who cares?" The Semi-Modern person in me is saying "I hope so..."